PhD Theses

[en cours] Amélie Kratz

Thèse en histoire, sous la direction de Christian Bonah.
Titre : L'enfant à table dans les films de famille. Evolution de l'alimentation des enfants en France et en Allemagne.

[en cours] Julie CLAUSS

Thèse en Histoire et épistémologie des sciences et des techniques, sous la direction de Christian Bonah et Anne Danion

Dans cette thèse, Julie Clauss aborde, avec une perspective historique, la question des classifications diagnostiques psychiatriques sous l’angle de leur interaction avec la pratique médicale.

[en cours] Constantin BRISSAUD

Titre : Les transformations de l'expertise internationale en santé publique ; le cas de l'OCDE
Thèse en sciences politiques, sous la direction de Jay Rowell et Christian Bonah

Ce travail de thèse porte sur l'expertise internationale en santé publique, en s'appuyant sur le cas de l'OCDE. A la croisée de la sociologie des intellectuels, de l'histoire des sciences et de la sociologie des organisations internationales, la thèse a vise à éclairer tant les processus de négociation qui cadrent les politiques publiques de santé que les indicateurs qui les légitiment, et les propriétés sociales de leurs concepteurs.

[en cours] Laure HOENEN

Thèse en Histoire et épistémologie des sciences et des techniques, sous la direction de Christian Bonah et Marion Thomas

Titre : L’histoire de deux centres de primatologie, le Centre de primatologie de Strasbourg et le Deutsches Primatenzentrum de Göttingen (1960-2012)

[2021] Aisling SHALVEY, "History of paediatric treatment in the Reichsuniversität Straßburg (1941-1944)"

Thèse en Histoire contemporaine, sous la direction de Christian Bonah et Catherine Maurer.

Cette thèse portera sur le traitement des enfants en tant que patients à l'hôpital de la Reichsuniversität Straßburg. Elle comprendra des études de cas et des données provenant de la clinique pédiatrique, de la clinique psychiatrique, de la recherche des étudiants, du département de pathologie, et examinera également les autres spécimens de cette recherche sur les enfants. La formation des médecins et des infirmières était un élément central de la clinique pour enfants, et ces stagiaires traitent souvent des patients, aussi cette thèse examinera-t-elle ce qui leur a été enseigné. Cette thèse examinera le processus d'évacuation et le traitement médical des enfants. Il n'y a pas encore eu d'étude sur la "recherche quotidienne" à laquelle a participé la Reichsuniversität Straßburg. Cette étude permettra d'identifier de nouveaux échantillons qui ont été découverts en comparant les informations disponibles attachées aux échantillons de recréer une vue plus complète des patients pédiatriques de l'hôpital.


This thesis will focus on the treatment of children as patients at the Reichsuniversität Straßburg Hospital. It will include case studies and data from the paediatric clinic, the psychiatric clinic, student research, the department of pathology, and will also examine other specimens of this research on children. The training of doctors and nurses was a central part of the children's clinic, and these trainees often treat patients, so this thesis will examine what they were taught. This thesis will examine the evacuation process and the medical treatment of children. There has not yet been a study on "everyday research" in which the Reichsuniversität Straßburg has participated. This study will identify new samples that have been discovered by comparing the available information attached to the samples to recreate a more complete picture of the hospital's paediatric patients.

Consulter la thèse en ligne

[2018] Solène LELLINGER, "Innovation thérapeutique et accident médicamenteux : socio-genèse du scandale du benfluorex (Mediator®) et conditions de reconnaissance d'une pathologie émergente : les valvulopathies médicamenteuses"

Thèse en Histoire et épistémologie des sciences et des techniques, sous la direction de Christian Bonah et Jean-Paul Gaudillière


Le retrait du Mediator®, médicament des Laboratoires Servier en vente de 1976 à 2009, s’effectue après l’identification de pathologies spécifiques des valves cardiaques : les valvulopathies médicamenteuses. Depuis, l’évènement est abordé sous l’angle du scandale médico-sanitaire, des défaillances du système de régulation et des méthodes d’influence d’un industriel sur des décideurs (politiques ou prescripteurs). Une procédure juridique pour établir des probables infractions aux lois pénales est en cours. Pour comprendre les origines et les conséquences de l’affaire du benfluorex – au-delà des champs de compétence juridiques et politiques – ce travail de thèse propose une analyse du processus de non-reconnaissance d’un effet indésirable grave d’un médicament pendant plus de 30 ans et surtout les effets de ce non-repérage sur ceux qui sont directement concernés : les personnes l’ayant consommé. À partir des données issues de deux enquêtes par questionnaire distinctes adressées l’une à des usagers du Mediator® et l’autre à des cardiologues notre travail établit six différentes « figures » théoriques et analytiques des personnes exposées à la molécule se trouvant au centre de notre enquête.


The withdrawal of Mediator®, a drug sold by Laboratoires Servier between 1976 and 2009, occurred after specific pathologies of cardiac valves were identified: the drug induced valvular heart disease. Since then, the incident has been approached from the angle of health and medical scandal, regulation failure and the influence of an industrial company on decision makers (political figures or prescribers). A legal procedure to establish probable violations of criminal laws is under way. To understand the origins and consequences of the benfluorex affair - beyond the fields of legal and political jurisdiction - this thesis proposes an analysis of the process of non-recognition of a serious adverse side effect of a drug for over 30 years and, above all, the effects of this non-recognition on those directly concerned: the people having taken it. Using data from two separate surveys, one of Mediator® users and the other of French cardiologists, this study establishes six different theoretical and analytical "figures" of people exposed to the molecule at the center of the investigation.

Consulter la thèse en ligne

Solène Lellinger est Maître de conférences en épistémologie et histoire des sciences et des techniques - Université de Paris 

[2016] Valentine HOFFBECK, From feeble-mindedness to hereditary disease : history of care and representations of mentally challenged people in France and Germany (1890-1934)

Supervised by Prof. Christian Bonah and Catherine Maurer.

The topic of this PhD dissertation is the history of mentally deficient children and adults in both France and Germany between 1890 and 1934. This work focuses on people who suffered from mental retardation although at that time they would have been referred to as "feeble-minded," "idiots" or "imbeciles." This study provides a new focus on different subjects. The various circulations of medical models are considered in a dynamic perspective. lt also provides an original vision of the construction of the category of feeblemidness, influenced by agents like doctors [psychiatrists], families or teachers, questioning what was done in practical terms. Mentally deficient people were shaped by the gaze of the people they interacted with. They are also examined in a social and economic context to which these individuals respond. The evolution of the characterization of feeble-mindedness and the use of intelligence tests highlight various attempts to classify those individuals in a more rational way. From a more specific psychiatrie point of view, this thesis shows how the emphasis on their classification as "unproductive persans" as well as the description of feeble-mindedness as a hereditary and "racial" disease transformed them into a social issue in the context of the rise of social Darwinism and eugenics, which led fo their sterilization in Germany from 1934 on.

Consult Valentine HOFFBECK's dissertation, 2016

[2015] Nils KESSEL, "Consumer society's side effects? : a history of drug use in West Germany, 1950-1980"

Supervised by Prof. Christian Bonah, and Prof. Dr. Sylvia Paletschek, Neuere und Neueste Geschichte, Historisches Seminar, Albert-Ludwig Universität Freiburg et Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS)

Original title : Nebenwirkungen der Konsumgesellschaft? : Geschichte des Arzneimittelgebrauchs in Westdeutschland, 1950-1980

This thesis examines the conceptual and methodological attempts academics, physicians, industrialists and policymakers used for investigating drug use in West Germany between 1950and 1980. lt studies the "problematization" of consumption as a social threat. Finally, the thesis describes processes of scientific translation that allowed the concept of drug consumption to circulate between different social spheres. Methodologically this thesis relies on Reinhart Koselleck's works on the history of concepts (Begriffsgeschichte), which are then combined with a history of (pharmaceutical) technologies. For the first time, IMS (Medical Statistics lnstitute in West Germany later IMS Health) pharmaceutical market and prescription data for West Germany from 1959 to 1980 could be analyzed in a historical study. Beyond this important body, research was done in several public and private archives.

Nils KESSEL is Assisant Professor at the Université de Strasbourg

[2013] Alexis ZIMMER, "Mortal fogs: a history of the production of industrial meteors, 19th / 20th centuries : the case of the Meuse valley"

Supervised by Christian Bonah and Christiane Weber.

From the 1st to the 5th December 1930, a thick fog spread in the Meuse valley. Many losing their lives. One year later, experts came to conclusions: coal and sulphuric compound of it combustion were implicated. But how does "coal" come to participate in the production of fogs and to befoul, fatally, the lungs of those forced to inhale it ? The « coal - toxic fog - lungs » links is not obvious. This study aims to reconstitute the historic conditions of their construction. By considering this disaster over the period necessary for its production - as a process and not as an hiatus - ; by following the trail of the materials of its constitution - their progress and the technical, social, political and discursive assemblies - necessary for their transformation; by studying the role and the effects of the scientific practices, this work allows an understanding of the joint transformation, by the industrialization, of bodies and environments and the production of new meteorological phenomena.
Consult Alexis ZIMMER's dissertation, 2013

[2011] Tricia CLOSE-KOENIG, "Betwixt and between : production and commodification of knowledge in a medical school pathological anatomy laboratory in Strasbourg (mid-19th century to 1939)"

Supervised by Prof. Christian Bonah and Prof. Patrick Llerena

By superposing medical history and economic history of medical lab services, this thesis reveals economic dynamics to be integral to medical and scientific research, teaching, and practice. The emergence of medical lab analyses as medical and economic entities within a theoretical framework of knowledge-based economies is achieved with a case study of Strasbourg's medical school Institut d'Anatomie Pathologique laboratories. A long duree historical analysis of material circulation, collection, and practices in pathological anatomy is intersected with a micro-history of the laboratories in the interwar period. The description and contextualization of a diversification of laboratory activities when research and teaching activities were complemented with commercial laboratory services, notably for the diagnosis of cancer, are portrayed with supply and demand dynamics and following the creation of the Centres Anticancéreux in France. The market for clinical laboratory work does not wholly fit (classic) models of scientific, medical, or commercial entreprises; the laboratory at the Institut d’Anatomie Pathologique was between science and service, institutional settings between medical school and hospital, practices between knowledge production and commercialization, exchanges between academic moral economies and commerical economies, products between material and intellectual, income between honorariums and fees. This thesis engages with and promotes an economic history of medicine in which money was not (openly) visible.

Consult Tricia CLOSE-KOENIG's dissertation, 2011

Tricia Close-Koenig is a researcher at the Université de Strasbourg.

[2009] Jérôme PIERREL, "RNA sequencing as a laboratory practice in Cambridge, Strasbourg, and Gent, 1960-1980"

[2004] Séverine MASSAT-BOURRAT, "From phenothiazine to chlorpromazine : the multiple destiny of a colourless dye"

Supervised by Prof. Christian Bonah

The main subject of this thesis is to show the multiple identities of the phenothiazine ring family. The author personnifies this chemical ring and follows its voyage throughout many settings. Phenothiazine is followed from its origin, synthetic dyes, to its use in the pharmaceutical industry with the invention of therapeutical chemistry, through the clinical realm, before revolutionizing psychiatry. During each step, the molecule is accompagned and assisted by a personnality. Paul Ehrlich presides its physiological dye destiny. Then, Ernest Fourneau witnesses its rebirth as medecine. Later, Henri Laborit and Pierre Huguenard use it for clinical treatments and finally, Jean Delay and Pierre Deniker lead the ring to its apothany in psychiatry. The narration escapes relating this Odessey as a success story or a teleological history by revealing unexpected and unphathomed transformations for each stage undergone by the phenothiazine ring.