[Journée d'étude] Prévention de la syphilis et éducation à la santé sexuelle (1900 à nos jours)

6 Nov 2020
9h 13h

Syphilis prevention and sexual health education (1900 to present), a workshop organised by the Neverending Infectious Diseases project

Prevention de la syphilis et education a la sante sexuelle (1900 a nos jours)

[English follows below]

La syphilis a fait l'objet d'une attention medicale constante depuis le 19e siecle. Pendant plus de cent ans, la prophylaxie antivenerienne occupe le devant de la scene dans la lutte contre cette maladie, les traitements curatifs connus, comme le mercure ou encore le Salvarsan, etant souvent inefficaces et lourds en complications. Cette situation tend a s'inverser durant la seconde moitie du 20e siecle : tandis que la diffusion de la penicilline entraine une forte diminution de la prevalence de la maladie, on observe simultanement une demobilisation autour des strategies de prevention. Bien que premiere chronologiquement et en termes de sante publique, la prophylaxie passe souvent au second plan une fois qu'une maladie est contenue par des traitements efficaces, accessibles et aux effets secondaires limites. La recrudescence de cas de syphilis en Europe ces dernieres annees suscite cependant un regain d'interet envers la prevention de cette maladie. tactuelle pandemie de Covid-19, et avant elle les epidemies de SIDA, SRAS, ou encore Ebola, ont par ailleurs sorti de l'oubli la variete et les limites des moyens de prevention deployes lorsqu'une maladie n'a pas encore de traitement curatif: depister et tester ; ficher et tracer; informer et eduquer; prophylaxie vaccinale et medicamenteuse.

Ce workshop s'interessera a la question de la prophylaxie, prise au sens large, a travers une approche interdisciplinaire.
fobjectif de cette rencontre consiste a mettre en dialogue enjeux passes et presents relatifs a la prevention de la syphilis, tant au niveau de l'individu que des societes. II s'agira de mettre en lumiere les differentes strategies et pratiques connues en vue d'empecher la contraction, la diffusion ou le developpement de la maladie.

Cet evenement s'inscrit clans le projet de recherche An interdisciplinary project: searching for an integrated model to explain neverending infectious diseases. The case of syphilis (1859 to the present), soutenu par le Fonds National Suisse de la recherche scientifique.

Syphilis prevention and sexual health education (1900 to present)

Since the 19th century, syphilis has received constant medical attention. For over a hundred years, anti-venereal prophylaxis was at the forefront of the fight against this disease, because known curative treatments, such as mercury or Salvarsan, were often ineffective and associated with serious complications. The situation was reversed during the second half of the 20th century: while the diffusion of penicillin brought about a significant decrease in the prevalence of the disease, the same period witnessed an unprecedented demobilisation of past prevention strategies. Despite coming first both chronologically and in terms of public health, prophylaxis is often relegated to the background once a disease is contained by effective, accessible treatments with limited side-effects. However, a new surge in syphilis cases in Europe in the last few years has led to a renewed interest in prevention. The present Covid-19 pandemic, and before that the AIDS, SARS and Ebola epidemics, have also reminded us about the diversity and limitations of the prevention methods deployed when a disease doesn't yet have a curative treatment: screening and testing; logging and tracing; information and education; vaccine and drug prophylaxis.

This workshop will focus on the issue of prophylaxis, taken in its broadest sense, through an interdisciplinary approach. The aim of this meeting is to bring into dialogue past and present issues related to the prevention of syphilis, both at the individual and societal levels, and to highlight the different strategies and practices designed to prevent the contraction, spread and development of the disease.

This event is part of the research project An interdisciplinary model to explain neverending infectious diseases. The case of syphilis (1859 to the present), supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation.


Practical information

Registration: The event is open to everyone (no registration fees). Registration is compulsory. Please contact Guillaume Linte to register. If it is not possible to attend in person, a video-link will be sent after your registration.

Working Languages: English and French

Date and venue: University of Strasbourg, Le Patio (Building 5), room 5203, 5-6 November 2020,

Download workshop programme and poster in English or French.

Contact: Dr. Guillaume Linte
